Life and Blog Update | June 2017

So it’s been a while since I’ve posted a blog post.  I took a needed short break to focus on completing the last couple of months of my degree, but I’m back (hopefully) posting weekly posts.

What have I been up to?

In the last 3 or so months I’ve been finishing my last year of uni, and now I am done!  It’s scary, and maybe once a week I have a sudden panic thinking I have forgotten to submit an essay.

But now that I am done with uni, I’ve spent the last month or so applying for jobs.  Also scary.

Since doing some social media classes in America and doing the social media for this blog, I have wanted to get into a career that involves social media.  But not having that much experience or academic knowledge on the subject, I have been looking at other ways to increase my knowledge and chances of employment.

In March I started a 6 week social media work experience.  It was great!

I got to work from home researching the social media accounts of businesses similar to that of the companies potential clients.

During this time I also began working for a new women’s magazine, QDos Magazine.

For just over a month now I have been running the social media for the magazine in preparation for the the upcoming launch.

If you want to check out what I have been doing so far here is the Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Running these social media accounts has given me a chance to put to use what I learnt in America, as well as learn and develop my skills further.


In doing all of these I have neglected this blog.

I’ll being trying to keep up with regular posts and if you have any suggestions on what you’d like to see me write about, leave a comment below!



6 thoughts on “Life and Blog Update | June 2017

  1. Congratulations for having finished your university. I would be great if you get a job related to social media as you want it to be. Wish you very good luck for your future. I will definitely check out the social media for the magazine’s upcoming launch.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. congrats!!! you must be so proud of yourself and feeling like yo have accomplished so much! how exciting. I will be checking up on social media to keep tabs on your next move.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s is easy to get busy with life and forget or not have time to do everything we want when we want. You just have to get back on track whenever you can. It happens to all of us.


  4. Congratulations! It must be an exciting time for you, with new opportunities sure to come your way. I wish you all the best, and hope to see you back and active again the the blogosphere.!


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